The Way of the Runner, and the Long Game.

 I have completed the Adharanand Finn Trilogy. First I read his latest (and greatest?), The Rise of the Ultrarunners, then his first book, Running with the Kenyans, and now his middle child: the deep immersion and investigation into the fascinating world of Japanese running culture, The Way of the Runner.  I am a big fan… Continue reading The Way of the Runner, and the Long Game.

Endure, and The Rise of the Ultra Runners (Runners Book Club)

Since I’ve been injured I’ve been writing less. Although I consider running and writing, and reading, to all be complimentary, I did not necessarily think that the lessening of one pillar would also so significantly weaken another. In fact, I would have guessed that it may have made the others stronger as I would have… Continue reading Endure, and The Rise of the Ultra Runners (Runners Book Club)